Acorn Principle Posters Y1-6{SECTION_MENU}
‘I am among those who think Science has great beauty’
Marie Curie
Science is a core subject, alongside English and Mathematics in the National Curriculum (2014). Our Acorn Principles, agreed by governors, outline our intentions and vision for pupils at William Shrewsbury.
Acorn Principle Posters Year 1 - 6
The Science Curriculum: Teaching & Learning
Our Science curriculum follows the objectives stated in The National Curriculum (2014) and is underpinned by research from professional educational bodies including: ASE, STEM, The Ogden Trust, SERRHI and White Rose, to name afew. The Science curriculum has been designed to enthuse the next generation of pupils to be curious, think critically, be inquisitive and challenge what they know. Every lesson includes new learning; both substantive and disciplinary knowledge. This is carefully interwoven so that every lesson has a knowledge and skill focus. Pupils at William Shrewsbury have weekly Science lessons timetabled and are taught through a range of enquiry approaches, to investigate ‘big’ questions.
The 5 Enquiry Approaches
The Skills Wheel
Assessment in Science
Pupils’ knowledge is checked formatively using retrieval practise at the start of each lesson - last week, last term and last year. Vocabulary quizzes ensure that scientific language is remembered. Short topic tests ensure that ‘sticky facts’ are embedded into long term memory. Concept cartoons, Thinker’s keys and Explorify are resources used to facilitate discussions, broaden thinking and create an environment where pupils can debate, argue and reason scientific knowledge.
Concept Cartoon Example:
Science Week
Science capital is continuously built upon in every lesson - learning always links to the ‘bigger picture’ relating Science to real life and potential future career opportunities. Every pupil has the opportunity to be involved in planting, outdoor learning and some pupils have links with local farms and high schools.
Science Week is also celebrated every year, and typically links to the national theme. This consists of:
- Additional Science lessons (during that week)
- A whole school competition, linked to the national theme
- A Science quiz
- An investigation (with a focus on an enquiry approach)
- A celebration assembly
- A wall display of the Science learning during the week
British Science Week Pack - EYFS
British Science Week Pack - Primary
Pupil Voice
Pupils at William Shrewsbury say Science is:
Useful Websites
The Children's University of Manchester
Oak Academy EYFS Understanding the World