School Uniform
We are very proud of the smart appearance of our pupils and we value the support we have from parents to maintain these high standards. Our uniform is an attractive royal blue colour with white tops and grey skirts and trousers. Items of uniform can be purchased from any major clothing retailer and items with our school logo on can be obtained from the below companies at a very reasonable cost.
Please note: Clothing4Schools is now online only:
Another local supplier is:
Sweatshirts, polo shirts, tee-shirts and fleece jackets, all with the school logo, are available to purchase from the suppliers listed above. Parents and pupils are recommended to select the appropriate clothing from the following:
Boys | Girls |
Grey trousers or shorts | Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore |
Royal blue sweatshirt | Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt |
White polo shirt or white shirt | White polo shirt or white shirt |
Blue tie - optional but essential in Y6 (available from school) | Royal blue & white check dress (summer) |
Grey or white socks or tights | |
Blue tie - optional but essential in Y6 (available from school) |
Skirts must be knee-length.
Fleeces should only be worn outdoors. Clothing displaying pictures or words is not allowed.
Children should wear sensible black shoes - with safety being of prime importance - and not trainers or basketball boots.
No jewellery may be worn at any time except wristwatches and sleepers/plain stud earrings - both of which must be removed for all physical education (Parents must remove earrings for younger children before school).
No extreme hairstyles/hairstyles with shaved lines/coloured hair.
To participate fully in physical education it is expected pupils will have:
Indoor: Plain and unbranded Black shorts
Plain and unbranded White T-shirt
Pumps are not required for indoor PE
Outdoor: Plain and unbranded Black shorts
Plain and unbranded White T-shirt
Plain and unbranded Black joggers or leggings
Plain and unbranded Black hoody or sweatshirt
Appropriate footwear for outdoor games
Suitable swimwear (trunks/tight shorts or full swimsuit – no bikinis or two-piece suits), towel & swimming hat (available to purchase from the school office - £3.50) - Years 3, 4.
Please note: parents and carers may request changes to swimwear for religious reasons. Such requests must be made and agreed in advance.