East Staffordshire SEDIS
Empowering Inclusion
About Us
The Staffordshire Enhanced District Inclusion Support Model (SEDIS) is designed to empower mainstream schools to address the needs of children and young people facing learning barriers and to support inclusion. SEDIS teams will work to enhance the capacity and confidence of district schools, while also promoting the sharing of best evidence-based practices. As part of Staffordshire’s pre-statutory graduated approach to supporting special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and inclusion in mainstream settings, SEDIS will be available as an option during the ‘Do’ phase of the Enhanced Assess, Plan, Do, Review (EAPDR) Pathway. This support can be considered and agreed upon if the child or young person is on the EAPDR Pathway.
Our goal
The primary goal of all SEDIS activities is to enhance the learning environment around the child, thereby improving their learning and inclusion experience. Importantly, a child or young person does not need a diagnosis or label for their school to access SEDIS support.
Contact the team
If you like any further information or have an enquiry then please feel free to contact the SEDIS team by
emailing EaststaffsSEDIS@proton.me
or calling on 07415 302839