PSHE and RSE at William Shrewsbury
We believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex education (RSE) helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to make informed choices and lead confident, healthy, independent lives in order to become active and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to the world. Through PSHE and RSE, we aim to give children the tools to make sense of their personal experiences, to understand and manage their feelings and to successfully navigate the world that they are growing up in.
Under the statutory guidance issued by the Department for Education, Relationships and Health Education is now compulsory. The aim of Health Education is to give pupils the information that they need to make good decisions about their physical and mental health and wellbeing. The focus of Relationship Education is about teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships with family members, other children and adults.
We believe that to be effective, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) should always be taught within a broader Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) programme. PSHE and RSE enhances, and is enhanced by, learning related to topics including: keeping physically and mentally healthy; respectful and healthy relationships; emotional and mental wellbeing; and the development of skills and attributes such as communication skills, risk management and decision making. Lessons will be evidence based, age appropriate and sensitive to the needs of all pupils.
How is PSHE and RSE taught across Key Stages?
Early Years
In Early Years PSED (Personal, social and emotional development) is split into three areas:
- making relationships
- self-confidence and self-awareness
- managing feelings and behaviour
The school fosters and develops relationships between home, school and the local community. Children are encouraged to learn to work, share, take turns and co-operate with others. They are encouraged to be independent and make choices for themselves. They are also encouraged to be sensitive to the needs of others and to respect other cultures and beliefs. Children are enabled to become confident and develop a positive self-image.
Year 1-6
We follow the PSHE Association Programme of Study which focuses on three core themes:
- Core Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing
- Core Theme 2: Relationships
- Core Theme 3: Living in the Wider World
During key stages 1 and 2, PSHE education offers both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness as they move through the primary phase. It builds on the skills that pupils start to acquire during the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online.
PSHE education helps pupils to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.
The wider curriculum
At William Shrewsbury Primary School, we are committed to the development of the whole child and as a result, we place Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships at the heart of all that we do. This is promoted during our assemblies, our Golden Rules and School Values, themed weeks and Science lessons. It is an integral part of our broad and balanced curriculum.
PSHE at home
These subjects are not just learnt within the classroom. Good PSHE education is a partnership between home and school and there are lots of ways in which you can support your child’s journey.
- Allowing your child to talk about PSHE topics at home can be a really successful way for them to explore and contextualise some of the content.
- If you have time, research some of the areas you know are going to be taught and anticipate any awkward questions. You can find this information in the Curriculum Overview for each year group.
- Asking your child what they are learning in their PSHE lessons is a good way to encourage open discussion.
- Discuss what is happening in the news.