William Shrewsbury Primary School

Office Information

Contact us

General email and to report an absence: office@williamshrewsbury.com

Telephone: 01283 247490

Opening Hours

8.00 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday


All letters that have been sent out by email are now loaded onto the website under the News tab. Please use this useful section if you think you may not have received a letter or need to check some details. Please contact the office if you need a paper copy sending with your child. We will only do this if a printed letter is needed – you can email a reply for a slip (although we are phasing out slips and using google forms instead now) and many of the letters are for information purposes.


Changes to end of the day collections

Nursery & Reception

Please write any changes in your child’s Home School Diary. If your change is during the school day, please try to ring before 1.00 pm if you can.

Years 1 to 6

Please email your child’s class teacher to notify them of any changes. If your change is during the school day, please try to ring before 1.00 pm if you can.

Pupils who have an appointment

If you child has an appointment during the school day please inform the main office and their class teacher. Please allow plenty of time to collect your child, as although messages are sent to class, busy children & staff will often forget! Please bring a copy of your appointment with you so that we can take a copy to keep on file.

Contact details

You will receive a data sheet once per year. Please make sure you check all the details are correct then sign and return to the office. You can also update your details on the Arbor App. At other times, please email any changes or come to the office to fill in a form. We are sorry but changes over the phone are not accepted.

Appointments to meet with staff

We ask that you call or email to request an appointment with staff and do not turn up without one, in order to avoid disappointment. All class issues must be discussed with the class teacher before asking for a meeting with Mrs Murfin.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation