William Shrewsbury Primary School



If you would like your child to have a place at our school please complete the appropriate form for mid academic year admissions available on the Staffordshire County Council website or from the school office.


William Shrewsbury Primary School catchment area mapAdmissions FAQsAdmissions Timetable September 2025

Admission Arrangements for William Shrewsbury Primary School 2024-2025Admission Arrangements for William Shrewsbury Primary School 2025-2026

Pupil Admissions

Consultation by:
In respect of:
Grange School
John of Rolleston Primary School
Outwoods Primary School
William Shrewsbury Primary School

In accordance with School Admissions Regulations 2012 Central Co-operative Learning Trust wishes to hear your views on its proposed admission arrangements for 2023/24.
We would like to draw your attention to the following areas of proposed change to those arrangements that were determined by the schools for 2022/23.
William Shrewsbury Primary School; no material change has been made to 2021/22 arrangements.

You will find a copy of our current school admissions policy above and a link to the Staffordshire website with details about how to apply for a place.


Admissions Consultation

The Central Cooperative Learning Trust is obliged to consult on admission arrangements every seven years.

This is whether we plan to make any changes or not. We are consulting across all schools in the Trust this year, however, in William Shrewsbury Primary School there are no plans to change the admission arrangements.
However if you feel that you wish to comment on our current arrangements and the admission authority to take any suggestions into account, please contact us on office@williamshrewsbury.com.
The admission consultation will run from 29-11-2024 to 09-01-2025.

Please see below letters that contain information regarding a consultation on the pupil admission numbers at the following schools; Burton Fields, Grange and John of Rolleston

These letters have been sent on behalf of Mr Rich Simcox, CEO of the Central Co-operative Learning Trust.

All the details, including how to respond, are contained within the letters.

Burton Fields Admission Consultation Letter

Grange Admission Consultation Letter

John of Rolleston Admission Consultation Letter

In-Year Admissions

If you require a place outside the normal admission times for your child in Years Reception to 6 please follow the link to download a mid-year application form. Once it is completed, give it to your child’s current school to complete Section 4. Once that is completed, send the form to the school office for us to process. You will receive the outcome of your in-year application within 10 school days but at the very latest within 15 days.

In the event the application is refused, information about the independent appeals process will be detailed in the letter.


Nursery Admissions

Nursery applications for September 2025 will open in February 2025. The closing date for Nursery applications is Friday 28th March. We will notify you on the 28th April 2024 if your child has secured a place. If you would like us to add you to our mailing list, please complete the New Applicants google form below.New Applicants Google Form

Reception Admissions

Online applications for Reception 2025 have now closed. If you would like us to add you to our mailing list, please complete the New Applicants google form below.

New Applicants Google Form

Staffordshire County Council will notify you direct via email on the 16th April 2025.

We will be hosting an evening meeting for parents to look around the Reception classrooms, speak to the teachers and to find out any information from the admin team. You do not need to book a slot or inform us that you will be attending. Please come to the school any time between 6:30pm and 8:00pm on Tuesday 5th November 2024.

Reception 2025 intake meeting invitation
Please visit the Staffordshire Primary School Admissions page if you have any queries -https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Admissions-primary/Apply/Overview.aspx