William Shrewsbury Primary School


Meet the Governors

We have twelve governors on our school governing body, plus two associate governors, the headteacher and the clerk.

The governors work closely with the school leadership team by providing support, challenge and help to set the strategic direction of the school. They also monitor and evaluate the work of the school and help set priorities for improvement.

The full governing body meets twice a term.

You can find out more about the work and responsibilities of the school's governing body below.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact the headteacher for a confidential discussion.

Governor Information List 2023-2024

Business Interest Table 2023-2024

Attendance Record 2023-2024



There are three committees on the Governing Body:

The Curriculum and Standards Committee

This is made up of the whole governing body

The Finance and Personnel Committee

The Personnel and Pupils' Committee

The committees carry out the bulk of the work of the governing body and report their actions at the full governing body meetings.

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Remit for the Curriculum and Standards Committee

  • Review Curriculum Policies
  • Receive information and updates from subject leaders
  • Review school data, including Raise online, Dashboards and internal tracking data
  • Compare school performance with local and national data
  • Be familiar with the school's assessment procedures
  • Review external monitoring reports on the work and performance of the school
  • Identify governor training needs and arrange for the school to book appropriate training
  • Accept and review the school's Learning Development Plan annually
  • Contribute to the school Self Evaluation Document
  • Discuss and review options for school structures on an annual basis
  • Review school link governor programme annually
  • Set priorities for the Governor Improvement Group
  • All other matters regarding curriculum and standards as they arise.
  • Ask challenging questions relating to school performance (examples below)

Questions to ask Governors

  •  What is the vision of the school, the ethos of the school and the strategic direction the school is taking?
  • Can you give an example of a strategic decision that the Governing Body have taken recently and how does that fit into the overall vision?
  • How do Governors contribute to the school’s self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the school?
  • How do Governors support and strengthen school leadership?
  • What strategies do you use to challenge and hold the headteacher and other senior leaders to
  • account for improving…
  • Can you show how you hold the school to account for improving ….
    - the quality of teaching
    - pupils’ achievement and pupils’
    - behaviour and safety?
  • How do Governors use performance management systems, including the performance management of the Headteacher, to improve teaching, leadership and management?
  • How is performance management used to improve teaching and learning and leadership and management? (HT and Teachers)
  • How does the Governing Body ensure solvency and probity and that the financial resources made available to the school are managed effectively?
  • Can you convince me that financial resources are well managed? How do you know?
  • How does the Governing Body ensure that statutory duties are met and priorities are approved?
  • Can you give examples of how statutory duties are met?
  • Can you give examples of how the school engages with key stakeholders?
  • What partners does the school engage with? How does this make things better for the children?
  • How does the Governing Body use the pupil premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics?
  • How do you spend the pupil premium? What difference has it made to pupil outcomes?


Finance and Resources Committee

Terms of Reference for the Finance and Resources Committee

  • Prepare a draft budget based on priorities in the school development plan
  • Establish and monitor appropriate policies and procedures and scheme of delegation for sound budgetary control
  • Report regularly on the school’s finances to the full governing body
  • Determine the financial delegation to be made to the Headteacher
  • Approve transfer between budget headings (virement) within agreed limits
  • Receive and review school fund accounts
  • Respond to any issues arising from the audit of the schools accounts
  • Review best value purchases and services
  • Review, and set the charges and lettings fees, in conjunction with recommendations made from Premises committee
  • Review SFVS (School Finance Value Standards) documentation and ensure it is kept up to date
  • Review joint procurement opportunities that arise from Trust status
  • Approve spending allocation of devolved funding streams
  • Review use and impact of Pupil Premium and Sports Premium
  • Receive regular reports from Premises subgroup


Personnel and Pupils' Committee

Remit for the Personnel and Pupils' Committee

  • Set the school’s staffing level
  • Formulate and review the schools staffing structure
  • Review and develop staffing policies; e.g. procedures for selection and appointment of staff, professional development, equal opportunities and the well-being of staff and pupils
  • Review and adopt local authority and trust policies as appropriate
  • Agree the membership and procedures for staff appointments, and to carry out selection based on the agreed procedure
  • Monitor the school’s procedure for staff development
  • Monitor the school’s support for NQTs
  • Submit annually to the finance committee costings for the proposed staffing levels.
  • Organisation of Governor Induction and the monitoring of Governor’s terms of office.
  • Monitoring Child Protection polices and the DBS process in School
  • Monitor the School’s Pastoral System
  • Review attendance levels for staff and pupils.
  • All other matters regarding school personnel as they arise.
  • To receive reports and information on the Appraisal Policy and Processes